If you presently do not own our software, you are free to download our software and try it out at no charge. You must have Windows 7, 8.1.10 or 11. During the free trial period, the program will not print out your name and address on paperwork, but otherwise it is fully operational. Note that the demonstration version of the Rabbit and Cavy Registers is the Deluxe Edition, containing the genetics (Rabbit Register only), chore scheduling, Master Breeding List and Judge's Notebook features. If you choose to buy the software, any data entered into the demo version will remain. However, if you purchase the Standard Edition, the Deluxe Edition features themselves will no longer be available.
Separate software packages are presently available for each of the following:
We offer an older version of our software for each of the following, and in the coming weeks we will be updating them all to the Version 15 format. Anyone purchasing these products now will be entitled to upgrade to the new version at no cost when it is released. All data will transfer directly into the new version. You can demo any of these packages by clicking on the species name below.
A separate download instruction page is available to help you install the software. Click here to view it. This link will open a new instance of your browser with the instruction page in it.
If you presently own Version 15 of our software, you may download any upgrade patches for free from this site, and do not need a new authorization code. Your current authorization code will continue to work. These files will remain available at least until April 30, 2025
If you presently own version 14 or earlier of our software, you will need a new authorization code to use this version. In general, there IS a charge to upgrade to the latest version, ranging from $10 to $50, depending upon which version of our software you are currently using, and when you purchased it. See our upgrade information for complete details.
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15R.exe | 56M | 02/07/25 | Total program for rabbits | View Listing |
Rabbit15.pdf | 1.1M | 04/30/20 | Rabbit Register Manual, all editions | None |
RabbitDeluxeFeatures15.pdf | 663K | 04/30/20 | Rabbit Register Manual, Deluxe Edition only | None |
RabbitUpgrade15.pdf | 242K | 04/30/20 | Rabbit Register Upgrade Manual, all editions, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15B.exe | 49M | 04/21/21 | Total program for cage birds | View Listing |
Bird15.pdf | 1.0M | 05/20/20 | User's Manual for new users | None |
BirdUpgrade15.pdf | 259K | 05/20/20 | Upgrade manual for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15C.exe | 56M | 12/09/24 | Total program for cavies | View Listing |
Cavy15.pdf | 1.1M | 05/04/20 | Cavy Register Manual | None |
CavyDeluxeFeatures15.pdf | 448K | 04/30/20 | Cavy Register Manual, Deluxe Edition only | None |
CavyUpgrade15.pdf | 416K | 04/30/20 | Cavy Register Upgrade Manual, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15Ch.exe | 55M | 02/23/24 | Total program for chinchillas | View Listing |
Chinchilla15.pdf | 1.1M | 05/07/20 | Chinchilla Register Manual | None |
ChinchillaDeluxeFeatures15.pdf | 352K | 05/07/20 | Chinchilla Register Manual, Deluxe Edition only | None |
ChinUpgrade15.pdf | 418K | 05/07/20 | Chinchilla Register Upgrade Manual, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15LG.exe | 54M | 05/07/24 | Total program for geckos | View Listing |
Gecko15.pdf | 1.0M | 05/22/20 | Gecko Register Manual | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15G.exe | 54M | 02/13/23 | Total program for goats | View Listing |
Goat15.pdf | 1.3M | 05/11/20 | Goat Register Manual | None |
GoatUpgrade15.pdf | 141K | 05/14/20 | Goat Register Upgrade Manual, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15HH.exe | 49M | 09/21/21 | Total program for hedgehogs | View Listing |
HedgehogDeluxeFeatures15.pdf | 467K | 05/14/20 | Hedgehog Register Manual, Deluxe Edition only | None |
HedgehogUpgrade15.pdf | 143K | 05/14/20 | Hedgehog Register Upgrade Manual, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15BP.exe | 54M | 11/18/22 | Total program for pigeons & doves | View Listing |
Pigeon15.pdf | 1.0M | 05/20/20 | User's Manual for new users | None |
PigeonUpgrade15.pdf | 263K | 05/20/20 | Upgrade manual for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15P.exe | 54M | 02/29/24 | Total program for poultry | View Listing |
Poultry15.pdf | 1.0M | 05/20/20 | User's Manual for new users | None |
PoultryUpgrade15.pdf | 260K | 05/20/20 | Upgrade manual for users that already own an earlier version | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15RM.exe | 54M | 10/07/24 | Total program for rats & mice | View Listing |
RatMouse15.pdf | 1.1M | 05/05/20 | Rat & Mouse Register Manual | None |
File Name | File Size | File Uploaded (mm/dd/yy) |
What is it?: | Revision Listing |
Setup15S.exe | 54M | 01/26/24 | Total program for sheep | View Listing |
Sheep15.pdf | 1.3M | 05/11/20 | Sheep Register Manual | None |
SheepUpgrade15.pdf | 142K | 05/11/20 | Sheep Register Upgrade Manual, for users that already own an earlier version | None |
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Last Modified and Validated: 4/10/2020 by Evans Software
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