Last updated 06 January 2025 --> The topmost listed version is the current inclusive release, and it includes all updates listed below it. --> (Dlx) means applies to Deluxe edition only 15.2412.2375.1 - Updated to reflects changes from 2024 ARBA Convention 15.2411.2374.1 - Fixed issue when expanding litters that program might label an animal as a carrier when it was not. 15.2409.2367.1 - Fixed issue where breed carriers might not show on printed pedigrees - Fixed issue where Master Breeder number might not show on printed pedigrees 15.2408.2365.1 - Added Crested breed - Changed program to allow more than 100 animals to be listed on a show entry - Fixed issue in Winnings Annual Summary that data and column headers were not correctly aligned. - Added ability to manually adjust vertical position of 'I hereby certify...' on pedigrees because on some printers it would be too low 15.2406.2356.1 - Added ability for registered owners to update their registration information - Added ability to put root animal's name in upper left corner of most pedigree styles, in lieu of tattoo 15.2405.2350.1 - Fixed issue where printed Multi-Breed inventories might not be sorted the same as the Summary Screen - Fixed issue that interfered with performing a restore on machines without a D: drive. 15.2405.2341.1 - Removed erroneous error message that occurred on new installations 15.2404.2338.1 - Fixed error on startup regarding 'Object not set to an instance....' 15.2404.2336.1 - Resolved issue where displayed pedigrees might not be centered properly vertically 15.2404.2335.1 - Fixed issue where age classes could not be bumped up - Introduced major speed-up of pedigree displays for users with many animals and/or the Deluxe Edition 15.2404.2330.1 - Improved user interface when selecting show names/locations - Updated age calculations for Australian Cavies - Began work amending U.S. breed list to also carry Australian breed list 15.2402.2309.1 - Added show groups for the Swiss breed, and updated Californian variety show groups 15.2402.2307.1 - (Dlx) Fixed issue that viewing Gold Star Registration data could prevent adding pedigrees - Neatened Data Management screen to make button legends more readable - Fixed issue that caused crash entering new litters - Updated list of ARBA Judges - Added ability to select name/nickname/both on cage cards - Added ability to show sire/dam nicknames on Litter Summary Screen - (Dlx) Fixed issue where sire name might not show on Master Breeding List 15.2402.2295.1 - Resolved issue that overly restricted margin settings on cage cards. - Added 'Sold To' column to financial data. 15.2401.2287.1 - Improved user interface and analysis for Gold Star Registrations - Fixed issue which might rarely miss an animals when searching for a parent in the database 15.2401.2284.1 - Added ability for user to specify date range when entering wins from previous show - Improved scaling of viewable pedigrees to better fit screens where display scaling is set to > 100% 15.2401.2282.1 - Fixed issue where PDF pedigrees might be printed in XPS format 15.2312.2281.1 - Added ability for program to flag Gold Star Registered animals and potential Gold Star animals - Added tally of total # of items and # of selected items on Summary List. - (Dlx) Neatened ARBA Masters Program display - Fixed issue where Expand Litter might crash when expanding a litter whose parents are carriers - Updated help file 15.2311.2278.1 - Fixed issue where program would try to write to file if printer name contained "PDF" 15.2311.2277.0 - Improved use of mouse when positioning/scaling size of picture/logo on printed pedigrees - (Dlx) Improved wording on Birth Certificates and adjusted text scaling when animals have long tattoo numbers 15.2311.2275.0 - Fixed issue with box formatting on 4 generation portrait pedigrees15.2310.2273.1 - Fixed issue where carrier animals might not be flagged - Restored highlighting of accepted colors on variety screen 15.2309.2268.1 - (Dlx) Fixed issue that caused pedigree screen to crash on some animals - Changed printed inventories so column order matches the user-specified column order on the Summary Screen display. - Added choice under Display menu on summary screen so that program ignores base colors when sorting by variety - Neatened show entry GUI. - Fixed crash when attempting to store picture of animal from clipboard - (Dlx) Fixed issue on Detail Screen where manually edited genotypes might not 'stick' if user had not clicked the Edit button - Fixed issue where when sorting brokens together, other varieties might not be sorted correctly - Fixed issue where program would ask multiple times if user wanted to add buyer info when printing pedigrees - Fixed issue where marking an animal as unregisterable might not 'stick' 15.2309.2257.1 - Fixed issue where broken/brindle/roan supplemental variety descriptions would be incomplete in standard edition - Fixed issue where program would ask multiple times if user wanted to add buyer info - Fixed program crash if previous backup device is not installed prior to attempting a backup - Changed so if user marks Placement to be shown in winnings, it will precede other winnings 15.2308.2252.1 - Added ability to select fonts and set font size when viewing pedigrees on the Pedigree Display Screen - Added automatic self-healing if database becomes corrupted - Fixed issue with a few select HP printers where rapidly clicking the Print button twice while printing pedigrees could hang the print queue - Added ability to include Inbreeding or Line Breeding coefficient on printed pedigree and still show animal's DOB - Fixed issue that prevented deletion of Growth data - Improved/simplified the backup user interface - Added ability to view picture of animal while on Summary Screen - Added Ability to highlight animals with growth data on the Summary Screen - (Dlx) Fixed issue that caused crash when viewing Open Sows on Master Breeding List - Program now allows user to specify a different sort order for each of their breeds. - Improved scaling and placement of text on printed pedigrees - Added ability to force 'Other Winnings' and/or 'Placement' to show on pedigrees - Improved user interface on Variety Selection screen - Fixed issue on detail screen where Weight field might be partly obscured by Nickname field. - Made PDF pedigrees more closely match printed pedigrees - Fixed length error when viewing pedigree created under older software - Changed tab order on Add Pedigree Screen. - Resolved issue when adding modifier(s) to variety - Fixed crash if user has viewed all tips. - Added ability to Add/Edit data while viewing All My Breeds - Improved/corrected messages when viewing registration problems on Summary Screen and Pedigree Screen - Fixed crash when accessing recycle bin if it contains animals whose breeders were previously purged - (Dlx) Fixed crash when printing mileage table if it contains a zero mileage record - (Dlx) Fixed issue where frame didn't move on birth certificate when user adjusted margins - Made Summary Screen cursor return to previously selected animal when returning from another screen. - Fixed crash if litter data exists for a dam that has been deleted. - Fixed issue where margins were not adjustable when printing receipts. - Added "Not-Registerable" checkbox to Detail Screen, so user can specify to not show animal on registerable list - Fixed issue on some Windows 11 systems that made user unable to locate backup folders while attempting to perform a restore. - Added buyer's name when viewing Animals Sold - By Year. - Improved sizing and placement of boxes on pedigree screen - Issued fix for photo pedigrees to allow positioning, while in process of overhauling the entire design - Fixed issue on printed pedigrees where box outline and first winning might overlap - Made file export screen both wider and shorter, to fit on small, hi-res screens. Added feature to close screen using {Esc} - Fixed issue where the 'Nearly GC' list on Summary Screen would also list animals with a GC 15.2210.2106.1 - Updated ARBA judges list. 15.2209.2096.1 - Corrected misleading breed display on Expand Litter screen. 15.2209.2094.1 - Added caution when expanding litters if breeding carriers or crossing breeds. - (Dlx) Added ability to control showing of Name & Tattoo fields on Birth Certificates - Improved user control of Litter Census screen. - Made Restore directory display revert to recent restore point. - Trapped error if user mis-clicks on the Default Color screen. 15.2205.2060.1 - Fixed issue where Name Capitalization rules were not being applied to Sire/Dam entries on Summary Screen list. - Added ability to view winnings summary by year - Added cancel/done button to Expand Litter screen - Updated growth graphing - (Dlx) Added ability to mark multiple chores off as done at one time in TaskMaster - (Dlx) Added True Age column to Master Breeding List - Fixed issue in logic when user has both an animal's picture and a logo for pedigrees. - (Dlx) Added ability to sort the list of never-bred sows on the Master Breeding List. - Improved positioning of data entry panel when adding a pedigree. 15.2203.20351.1 - Fixed issue where printing show entries might print 2 copies, although only 1 copied selected. 15.2203.2035.1 - Fixed crash if user lives in US but has program set to New Zealand - Added optional ability to print last 14 letters of animal's name beneath ear number on printed show entries. - (Dlx) Added ability to include schedule for latest breeding on cage cards - (Dlx) Added Age Class column to Master Breeding List Unbred Sows list - Improved contrast of selection buttons on Show Entry Preparation screen, as they were invisible to a few users 15.2202.2034.1 - Fixed issue with Sire & Dam Summary Screens that was introduced in V 15.2202.2026 - Added ability to view sold animals by year 15.2202.2029.1 - Fixed issue importing some old Kintrax pedigrees. - Fixed issue where litter data imported from an old version of the program might not be editable - Added ability to view Dam/Sire summaries over lifetime or most recent year & neatened printouts of those screens. 15.2202.2025.1 - Fixed issue that prevented show entries from printing completed form. 15.2201.2023.1 - (Dlx) Added ability to select various borders for birth certificates. - Clarified Help page as to how to include pictures on birth certificates 15.2201.2017.1 - Fixed object reference error after an animal's sire has been deleted from program - Modified merge routine to save winnings from discarded animal. - Major changes to help structure to allow for improved help features - Added help for ARBA Masters screen and added more help topics - Improved the ARBA Masters screen captions 15.2112.2009.1 - Added ability to store ARBA Master's program numbers and print on pedigrees 15.2112.2006.1 - Added font sizing to drop-down menus. - (Dlx) Added Date Due field to litter data on cage cards - (Dlx) Fixed crash if user attempts to print a Birth Certificate for an animal with no variety specified. - (Dlx) Added Never-bred Sows list to the Master Breeding List. - (Dlx) Added ability to include logo or animal's picture on birth certificates 15.2111.1993.1 - Fixed issue during Add Pedigree where last animal could not be entered - (Dlx) Added ability to include logo or animal's picture on birth certificates 15.2111.1988.1 - Added ability to include email address on show remark card labels 15.2111.1987.1 - Enlarged date entry screen, on a few computers the buttons at the bottom were only partly visible - Updated variety lists to show Cal's as recognized, in preparation for Dec 1, 2021 showability 15.2110.1986.1 - Simplified entering date born into litter data for cases where date breed is unknown - color-coded ARBA Masters program chart, expanded data analysis and descriptive messages - Fixed issue where margins could no longer be altered on some printouts - Fixed issue when printing reports from Kin screen that caused improper pagination - Updated the ability to import Hutch/Everbreed pedigrees 15.2109.1976.1 - Fixed issue where erroneous data sent from a Canon TR8620 printer could cause program crash - Updated ARBA Judges List - Added ability to recognize new Microsoft printer driver names for XPS documents - Improved Hutch import interface when importing multiple pedigrees - Added 9 new country address formats to contacts list - Fixed issue where adding a litter using Add Pedigree (which is NOT recommended), could cause program to put blank animal in great-grandsire. - Fixed issue where inventory print options might not show correctly on startup 15.2104.1967.1 - Fixed issue where program sometimes wouldn't create PDF photo pedigrees properly 15.2104.1965.1 - Added ability to sort on date of death. - Fixed issue where font for root animal on printed pedigree did not follow user's bold specification. - Fixed issue where printing incomplete pedigrees might cause a crash. - Added warning when expanding a litter to alert user if adding an ear number that has been used in the past year. - Fixed crash when attempting to print hypothetical pairing pedigree - (Dlx) Added Litter Census screen. - Improved user interface when tracking movement of animals between cages. - On Dam/Sire Summary Screens, changed 'Average Weaned/Litter' column to 'Average Weaned/Breeding'. 15.2103.1945.1 - Removed annoying message when printing inventories that was inadvertently introduced in 15.2102.1937. 15.2102.1939.1 - Fixed issue where "(Mid-Champagne)" might mysteriously appear as a color 15.2102.1937.1 - Added Seller as optional column on Summary List 15.2102.1935.1 - Fixed issue where changing cage label sizes could necessitate resetting margins. - Added ESS Remote Access option to Summary Screen Help menu. - Added duplicate ear tag warning to Expand Litter screen. - Ensured Top-Of-The-Day, would start after 4 weeks of use. - Fixed issue where image on pedigree printouts was not draggable. - Fixed Null Brush error on tree pedigrees - (Dlx) Fixed erroneous data on mileage printouts 15.2101.1926.1 - Fixed crash when searching for exact duplicate errors - Made size and placement of Detail Screen be memorized - Fixed issue where pedigree header would always show first animals info when printing multiple classic-style pedigrees - (Dlx) Added ability to suppress the Chores Pending alert when program opens - Fixed crash when user selects to print pedigrees colored by variety with a shaded background. - fixed missing word in import instructions. 15.2012.1918.1 - Fixed issue where breed carrier flag would not 'stick' - Removed carrier caption from header on printed pedigrees 15.2012.1916.1 - Fixed program crash for some non-Anglophone users - Fixed issue where Reg # and GC # might not be highlighted on printed pedigrees - (Dlx) Fixed issue where program could crash while displaying Master Breeding List if user deleted displayed columns 15.2012.1914.1 - Updated OneDrive routine to ensure it asks regarding remote data. - Restored ability to add OneDrive data storage for Deluxe/Platinum users that was lost in update 15.2008.1789. 15.2012.1913.1 - Fixed issue where Tip-Of-The-Day was 'stuck' on one tip. - Fixed vertical spacing issue on printed pedigrees when animal did not have a name. 15.2012.1912.1 - Fixed issue where printed spreadsheet pedigree had difficulty printing incomplete pedigrees 15.2012.1910.1 - Improved automatic positioning of printed pedigrees and restored ability to print to pre-printed borders of any size 15.2012.1906.1 - Implemented 2021 ARBA SOP changes - Added ability for user to export viewable files in either PDF/OXPS or HTML format 15.2012.1904.1 - MAJOR UPGRADE TO PEDIGREE PRINTOUTS: NEW STYLES, USER-SELECTABLE BORDERS, IMPROVED SIZING AND PLACEMENT - THIS CHANGE MAY AFFECT HOW YOUR PEDIGREES PRINT. BE SURE TO VERIFY THAT YOUR PEDIGREES - PRINT AS YOU WISH - Fixed issue where an animal's breed might show 'carrier' twice - Fixed issue where Expand Litter might erroneous mark an animal as a satin carrier - Added ability scale logo size on pedigree and drag to desired position. 15.2010.1840.1 - Email show entries now automatically are PDF files for users with Windows 10 - Simplified/improved the Export Pedigree interface - Restored ability to view family portrait pedigrees on the Pedigree Screen 15.2010.1832.1 - Refined process that matches parents on Detail Screen, more thorough, less questions! 15.2010.1831.1 - Further refinements to the 'print 2 pedigrees per page' format. 15.2010.1830.1 - Further refinements to all pedigree formats. - Pedigrees reimplemented with improved centering and spacing - Re-instituted the Tip of the Day feature with 62 tips - Sped up the pedigree screen - Neatened and simplified the Detail Screen - Restored inbreeding coefficient display to hypothetical pairing pedigree - Added new pedigree format -- dendritic (Tree-style) with 3, 4, 5 or 6 generations - (Dlx) Color-coded genes by group, - (Dlx) Added ability for user to suppress specific genes on displays & printouts if they are of no interest - (Dlx) Added display of genes that are definitely known to be 1) IN user's gene pool & 2) NOT IN user's gene pool - Fixed issue where inbreeding coefficient wasn't showing on hypothetical pairing pedigree - Fixed issue where user could not export a pedigree if root animal was located by using Find function - Added new column to the Sire and Dam Summary Screens that shows total income from sale of individual offspring 15.2008.1796.1 - Fixed issue that prevented access to preparing show entries 15.2008.1795.1 - Added new column to the Sire and Dam Summary Screens that shows total income from sale of individual offspring - Improved Detail Screen displays - Fixed issue where XPS Document was (inadvertently) selected in preference to PDF document as export format under Win 10. - Reformatted the buyer/seller display on the Detail Screen 15.2008.1787.1 - Added ability to put buyer's caviary name in sold to information on pedigree - Exported pedigrees now always match user's printed pedigrees by printing to PDF or XPS document - When printing pedigrees to file, the program now automatically creates the file name. 15.2007.1761.1 - (Dlx) Improved genotype user interface. Identified each allele. Improved genetics display and printing. - (Dlx) Added ability for user to manually enter genetic information. 15.2006.1739.1 - Important update to resolve crash when loading/displaying pictures, caused by Windows June 2020 update. - (Dlx) added ability to show full or partial genotype. - (Dlx) When entering mileage set default for start/stop dates to be today's date - (Dlx) Added ability to see what the coloration of an allele means when viewing an animal's Detail Screen. - (Dlx) Added ability to print full or partial genotype. - (Dlx) Improved formatting of genotype display 15.2006.1724.1 - (Dlx) Added ability to flag Cu, L & Sn genes on the Pedigree Display Screen. (Dlx) Added ability for the user to record the 18 most common genes. 15.2006.1722.1 - Fixed issue where on some computers adding more than one picture could cause the program to crash. - (Dlx) Added ability to manually enter genotypes and view satin, long hair and curly carriers on the pedigree screen. 15.2005.1707.1 - Fixed DOD calendar positioning on Detail Screen. - Enabled Comments field on Detail Screen while adding new animals. - Added ability to back-fill ancestry on Hutch imports when older generation pedigrees are entered after younger generations. - Reduced manual touch up work for colors when importing Hutch pedigrees. 15.2005.1695.1 - Moved 2 input boxes on the Detail Screen that could overlap - (Dlx) Added ability to search Journal over a specified date range 15.2005.1691.1 - Changed backup routine to save users choices when coloring pedigrees by variety - fixed issue where selecting ancestor sex to show on pedigrees might not work - improved the interface for selecting partial dates - enlarged fonts slightly on printed pedigrees - (Dlx) improved color descriptions on birth certificates 15.2005.1685.1 - Pointed program to proper site for downloading updates. 15.2005.1680.1 - Fixed error if user has more that 5 archive areas and switches from one archive area to another. 15.2004.1679.1 - modified registration process 15.2004.1678.1 - Refined Hutch import to store winnings in a way that allowed for better program winnings analysis. - (Dlx)fixed issue where uncompleted chores might not show on TaskMaster - Added ability to enter partial dates throughout program - Included more parameters in the export/import function - Handled inability to tell if backup drive is removable on Macs under Parallels - Put hidden breeds back on breed selection list to simplify un-hiding 15.2004.1663.1 - Minor update to improve messages to user.15.2004.1659.1 - Resolved issues w/ ear tag tracking, added ability to put ancestry brackets on pedigrees - Added ability to gradient-shade the background of data boxes on pedigrees. - Put in code to update ARBA Masters data immediately prior to viewing that screen. 15.2004.1654.1 - Resolved issue where if user had V14 data in cloud, it would not directly transfer to separate V15 cloud folder 15.2004.1653.1 - Completed the ARBA Masters Program analyzer 15.2004.1650.1 - Initial Beta Test release