Sample Printouts

Below you will find sample printouts from our rabbit program. Printouts for other species look quite similiar. We have tried to make these samples speedy to download, as a result, these printouts appear "fuzzier" than they would be if you printed them directly from the real program. If an error occurs while loading (like "Could not find ColorSpace") or if the image appears full of black blocks, then you have an older version of Adobe Acrobat, and need to upgrade. Click here to download the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader for free.

Standard Edition
A 4-generation pedigree.( 42K)
A 3-generation color pedigree.( 58K)
A 3-generation portrait orientation pedigree.( 53K)
A 3-generation "family portrait" pedigree.(144K)
A 4-generation "spreadsheet" pedigree (on A3 paper).(289K)
A 5-generation "tree" pedigree (on legal paper).(214K)
A 3-generation pedigree with border and box shading.(308K)
A show entry form.( 53K)
A double show entry form.( 53K)
An inventory.( 54K)
A list of the first-generation descendents.( 29K)
A cash flow report.( 43K)
Deluxe Edition
A 3-generation pedigree with genetics.( 53K)
A task list. ( 24K)
Possible colors from a buck/doe pairing.( 43K)
Birth certificate for a doe( 91K)

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Last Modified and Validated: 3/12/2017 by Evans Software
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