Last updated on 2 March 2019 --> Version 14 of our software is now available, and would cost Version 11 users $30 to upgrade. See for details. --> The topmost listed version is the latest revision which is available for download, and it includes all updates listed below it. --> Each entry is preceded by an applicability code, enclosed in parentheses: --> 'A' means applies to all species, 'R' is Rabbits, 'C' is Cavies, 'Ch' is Chinchillas, all other species are spelled out 11.02.0015 - (All) IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Version 11 software has been obsolete since September 2010 and download support was removed from our website on November 1, 2015. 11.02.0014 - (A) Made further enhancements to help prevent loss of data due when running under Windows Vista, 7 or 8 - (P) Added 3 new breeds 11.02.0012 - (A) IMPORTANT UPDATE: changed program to prevent loss of data when running under Windows Vista, 7 or 8 11.02.0011 - (A) fixed error in export function that prevented user from suppressing litter data during export 11.02.0010 - (R) Fixed error that caused program to crash if there was a defective wool record. - (Pigeon) Added Short Faced Tumblers 11.02.0009 - (R,C) made change to restore function to prevent loss of BOB winnings information. 11.02.0007 - (A) made further changes to backup routine to ease ability to restore into version 12 11.02.0006 - (A) Made changes to backup routine to include date split and 4H wins - (R,C) Made change to Show Remark Card Label formatting to prevent very rare illegal property value error on first use - (A) changed name of stored pedigree logo image. 11.02.0005 - (Ch) Added Phase Champion and Reserve Phase champion to US chinchilla program 11.02.0004 - (Ch) Made changes to show entry printing to make sure pages printed correctly. 11.02.0003 - (A) Adjusted placement of graph control buttons on Litter Data screen, as they would overlay the toolbar at some screen resolutions - (A) Added storage of program parameters to make it easier for user to upgrade to version 12. 11.02.0002 - (A) Restored ability to adjust placement of list on Summary Screen and have it remembered the next time the program runs. 11.02.0001 - (A) Added ability for user to suppress weights on printed pedigrees - (R Dlx) Made further changes to BEW genetics calculations - (A) Added code to trap rare error when user clicks on empty litter table 11.00.0105 - (A) Made change to prevent very rare occurence of not being able to create exportable pedigree. 11.00.0104 - (A) Made change to accommodate American Pediatric Services custom use of Variety field. 11.00.0103 - (R Dlx) fixed genetics calculations that caused BEW's to be over-predicted. 11.00.0102 - (R Dlx) changed genetics calculations to fix error that caused wideband colors (such as tans) to be under-predicted 11.00.0101 - (R) fixed error in that caused male Checkered Giants, and perhaps other breeds, to be classed on female weight limits. 11.00.0100 - (A) made further changes to prevent error when viewing common ancestry 11.00.0099 - (R,C) Made changes to to multi-breed show entry to ensure animals appear in correct show class. - (A) Changed common ancestry routine to prevent a "control array element XX doesn't exist" error - (A) changed sibling/descendant search routine to remove display of extraneous animals. 11.00.0098 - (R Dlx) Made certain user selections such as genotype printout on pedigrees be available in non-English-speaking countries - (R Dlx) Added genetics calculations for Silver Fox - (C) Added Tan-Beige to Teddy breed. - (C) Fixed capitalization so, for example, A.B. appears correctly capitalized. 11.00.0096 - (A) IMPORTANT CHANGE. Fixed error when merging two sires that could cause corruption of offspring ear numbers. - (R,C) fixed error that prevented 3rd show on triple show entry from being set to youth show. - (R Dlx) Made changes to genotype for red phenotype. - (Bird) Added breeds and colors - (Pigeon) Added breeds and colors 11.00.0095 - (A) Made change to correct (rare) subscript out of range error when expanding litters. - (R Dlx) Made change to allow bb in color genetics for Red 11.00.0094 - (R) Initiated updates for changes to 2010 recognized varieties. 11.00.0093 - (R,C) changed to ensure 'legs' instead of 'points' would show on pedigrees in French Canada. 11.00.0092 - (A) changed method of storing Summary Screen column widths, to ensure changes are remembered as user moves from breed to breed. - (A) forced pedigree display to match number of generations searched when displaying common ancestors, to prevent illegal subscript error - (A) fixed import routine to prevent program from hanging in certain cases when an ear number already existed in the users database - (R) Enabled Red to show in NZ genetics, added colors to MS. 11.00.0091 - (A) changed formating of eighth line on business cards to be more flexible wrt line length and font size, to prevent possible divide by zero error - (R) changed wool record routine to prevent possible illegal property value error when adding a new record after editing a previous record. 11.00.0090 - (R) Changed Unregistered Animal screen to better identify reason not registerable. Fixed error that caused brokens to be flagged as unregisterable - (R,C) Changed Master Breeding List printout so that text fits better within alloted column widths. 11.00.0089 - (R) IMPORTANT CHANGE. Changed routine that pocesses medical records to prevent loss of wool data. 11.00.0085 - (C) Changed bulk weight entry routine to place entry correctly in table and prevent breed name from changing - (Poultry) Added Nankin breeds. (not yet posted.) 11.00.0084 - (Dlx R & C) fixed bug that could cause wrong sire name to appear on Master Breeding List, when sire is in archives - (A) fixed error that caused user name for active area NOT to show when program is first loaded - (Dlx R & C) made Refresh button on TM screen only appear when useful (i.e. when chore dates might shift after a kindling date has been entered). 11.00.0083 - (Ch) corrected error that caused Illegal Property Value when printing/previewing pedigrees. 11.00.0082 - (Ch) corrected error that truncated ear numbers on printed pedigrees. 11.00.0081 - (R) corrected error that caused the 'sort by FCR' function to not work correctly on the Summary Screen. - (A) made the word PEDIGREE on the pedigree header match the case of the breed. - (Dlx) put in validity test for margins settings for TM printout. - (R Dlx) improved program's ability to learn genetics from offspring. - (R Dlx) improved handling of REW genetics. - (R Dlx) improved handling of Tricolor genetics - (R Dlx) improved handling of wideband gene in predicting possible parents. - (A) added ability to print buyer list in 2 or 3 column format. - (C) removed references to meat and fur on show entry forms, printed and email - (R Dlx) changed routine that resets genetics, to properly refresh list after reset. - (C) changed routine that prints email show entries, so that it says "Caviary Name:", instead of "Rabbitry Name:" - (A) changed program so it would automatically find correct pictures folder under Vista. - (Chin) Added colors - (A) modified demo program to simplify updating to purchased copy - (Chin) Added colors 11.00.0079 - (R,C) made change to show entry processing so program no longer places info on the Windows Clipboard, to prevent occassional errors because clipboard was not available. - (R Dlx, C Dlx) made change to Master Breeding List routine, so program is smarter about filling in sires' names 11.00.0078 - (Bird) made change to variety screen to prevent columns from overlapping. - (Bird) corrected Parrotlet colors - (Ferret) made change to record weights and suppress reg number 11.00.0076A - (C) made change to add Tan as a group for the (unrecognized) tan Teddies. 11.00.0076 - (A) corrected handling of alpha sub-version numbers so that they would show correctly on update listing screen. - (C) changed variety screen for cavies to highlight recognized colors and grey unrecognized colors. - (R,C) changed caption on Show Entry column from Sex & Class to Class & Sex - (R,C) updated help files - (A) added line to force printer.vbfillcolor to white when printing inventories, as some printers were printing a background color - (A) changed code to prevent user from accidentally entering a number as the first character for a breed name. - (Sugar Glider) added ability to sort by cage number - (Non Rabbit Deluxe) made UpdateGenetics button invisibie - (Sugar Glider) removed reference to Registration number - (Cage Bird) upated parrotlet colors 11.00.0075 - (Chin) fixed sorting on show entry form. 11.00.0073 - (A) Changed pedigree import routine that was flagging too many files as damaged. 11.00.0072A - (Bird) Changed Stafford Crested Canary to Stafford Canary, added consort, corona and crested as varieties. 11.00.0072 - (A) Added ability to have subversions with an alpha character, and display them to user when checking for updates - (R Dlx) added genetics for amber Rex. 11.00.0070 - (R Dlx) Removed debug statement in color genetics calculator that was causing a program stop. 11.00.0069 - (A) made change to provide user feedback when s/he has manually selected to pack files, and no message when program does it of own accord. 11.00.0067 - (A) made change to the Pack Data Files routine, to purge defective records that cause a subscript out of range error. 11.00.0064 - (A) trapped error when user attempts to set a default color for breeds without a color list. - (A) fixed problem with data fields that have SpeedFill ability, that was causing cursor to move to end of entry when editing the field 11.00.0063 - (A) made futher changes to handle non-US, especially Estonia, numeric formats - (A) made program detect Windows Screen Font size for debug purposes 11.00.0059 - (A) made changes to all calendars again, 1st of month was not always on the correct DOW 11.00.0058 - (A) made change to prevent crash when user selects a color with a slash at the end, and wants it displayed in lower case 11.00.0057 - (A) made further changes to calendars in program to allow non-US date formats 11.00.0056 - (A) changed calendars in program to reflect non-US date formats - (A) made points field show on screen for non-US users - (A) changed calendars to automatically handle countries where week begins on day other than Sunday. 11.00.0055 - (Estonia only: R,Ch) added speedfill capability to Detail Screen for farm number - (Estonia only: R,Ch) added automatic entry of farm number into expand litter function. - (A) changed expand litter so if user autofills the name with the ear number, it skips directly to the color field. - (R,C) added ability for all variety names to be mixed case. - (A) removed extraneous spaces on data fields on the Detail Screen - (A) added refresh drive list button on picture selection screen for business cards - (A) made change to Expand Litter Screen that was causing variety list to somethimes not appear 11.00.0054 - (Poultry) updated breeds and colors 11.00.0052 - (A) Corrected display on Litter Expansion screen to show leftmost portion of animals names and earnumbers, which were being truncated. 11.00.0051 - (Poultry) updated breed & color lists, and made multiple colors selectable on variety screen. 11.00.0050 - (Poultry) changed splash screen to say "Poultry" instead of "Chicken" for Poultry Register - (A) changed when user clicked Add on Summary screen, to scan list without using listindex, so it didn't always scroll to the bottom of the screen. - (R Dlx) corrected tri-color genetics for all rabbit breeds - (A) changed advanced backup to allow multiple successive backups - (R&C Dlx) put in test to disable print button on MBL if printer cannot be set to landscape, ie, no default printer..... - (R&C Dlx) put changes into MBL printing and inventory printing to force Printer.FillStyle = vbFSTransparent to prevent some HP all-in-ones from getting confused and filling box. - (Poultry) made changes to handle age categories for poultry - (A) limited depth to 8 generations when copying animal with ancestry - (A) increased animals handled when cutting/pasting to allow copying of multiple many-generation pedigrees - (R,C) corrected page count on show entry form when user has an exact multiple of 20 animals. - (A) provide error message when user is attempting to import pedigrees that are in UNIX format. 11.00.0049 - (A) made change to prevent extraneous animals from appearing in sire list on litter data entry screen. 11.00.0048 - (R Dlx) Fixed error that caused wrong genetics to be displayed on pedigree after using Genetic What If or Find Possible Parents - (R) Added broken Havana and Amber Rex as recognized, per Feb 01, 2008 Standard changes. 11.00.0047 - (Dlx) changed TaskMaster to suppress immediate rebreed when user has specified no standard rebreed is to occur - (Dlx) changed TaskMaster so that chore list is properly refreshed when leaving the chores cheduling settings screen 11.00.0045 - (Dlx) corrected MBL "number weaned" column, as it was showing the number born. - (A) changed pedigree printouts so the address color can be user-selected while in "standard" format 11.00.0044 - (A) changed color processing to allow user to delete a color without replacing it. - (A) changed inventory printout to prevent Illegal Propery Value Error when printing blank notes field. - (A) changed inventory printout to correctly draw lines on first of multiple pages. - (A) made all references to picture locations be absolute, as some computers were unable to consistently find animals photos. - (A) updated the tip of the day. - (A) updated installation software to simplify installation process. - (R) made changes for single-variety breeds to provide STANDARD as recognized variety. 11.00.0043 - (Dlx only) corrected data on Master Breed List Screen, to move number weaned into its correct column, from the date weaned column 11.00.0042 - (A) made further changes so speedfill would work correctly in name and custom data boxes 11.00.0041 _ (A) made change to prevent Run Time Error 91 when expanding litters - (Bird, Poultry) make change to prevent a zero from showing when user does not choose a color for a bird. 11.00.0040 - (US Chin only) changed preselect sire/dam code to account for US Chinchilla format where sire and dam are reversed. - (A) made sweeping changes to SpeedFill feature necessitated by Windows Vista. User now must type the / (slash) symbol followed by letter instead of using alt key - (A) updated built-in help to reflect the above 11.00.0039 - (A) corrected error when tabbing off DOD field on file card. 11.00.0038 - (A) changed detail screen so animal gets moved to archives when user enters DOD from menu. - (A) added ability for user to pre-select sire and dam before using the Add Animal feature. - (R Dlx) made sweeping changes to pearl & frosted pearl genetics calculations. 11.00.0037 - (A) changed update listing box to be Courier New, so update listings are more legible, and neatened text. - (R,C) added ability to suppress Reg & GC numbers on email pedigrees. - (R&C Dlx) removed duplicate entries when viewing TaskMaster for this breed only 11.00.0036 - (R Dlx) added herd count based on animals born in past year that have not died or been sold. - (R Dlx) changed all genetics maps to include self chin seals and sable agouti - (All) changed highlighting of dams with litters to only highlight females, as males were sometimes highlighted by mistake 11.00.0035 - (R&C Dlx) Made Master Breeding List to show correct sire name on newly-added breedings. (Sire will not show on old breedings) - (R Dlx) updated Copper Genetics across all breeds. 11.00.0034 - (R,C) User can now view either all wins or legs only while on animal's winning screen. 11.00.0033 - (Sugar Glider) Initial release of completed program. - (All) cage numbers can now contain currency symbols. 11.00.0032 - (All) made change to toolbar on Pedigree Display Screen to make all buttons be visible - (All) made change to routine that checks for updates to take user directly to download area. 11.00.0031 - (R,Ch) Changed program so Estonia can use Alt+F to fill in farm number. 11.00.0030 - (A) changed pedigree import routine so that program returns to location of last imported file. - (A) changed comment display on detail screen to ensure it would appear on top of other data when expanded. - (A) changed pedigree display screen to make print icons display properly when switching between text and photo pedigrees. - (R,C Dlx) made litter entry screen so non-USA users can see mm/dd in chore data fields 11.00.0029 - (C) eliminated Invalid Procedure Call error when entering existing animals on Multi-breed Add Pedigree screen. 11.00.0028 - (R,C) updated color lists and genetics for Satins, Mini Satins, Lionheads, and Angoras - (R,C) changed winning entry screen to prevent crash when user attempts to click on empty animal list. - (R,C) made winning entry list processing handle a maximum of 50 animals - (All) made change to common ancestry routine to prevent subscript out of range error. - (All) changed litter data entry screen to ensure that last entry made will be stored before leaving screen. - (R) made change to partial inventory printout so that meat & fur animals would print when printing animals going to show. - (A) made change to ensure that custom data columns are correctly shown and captioned. 11.00.0027 - (A) made change to photo pedigree display to prevent picture overlap that occurred on some monitors. 11.00.0025 - (A) made change to prevent DOD from being sporadically set to today's date. 11.00.0024 - (A) changed date split field to be blank when user has not entered any data in that field (R Dlx) removed Date Split column from Rabbit Master Breeding List. 11.00.0023 - (A) changed Litter Data screen to remember when user has previously selected to graph number weaned 11.00.0022 - (A) changed horizontal spacing for business cards and limited to only sheet fed labels 11.00.0021 - (A) added help button to Business Card Setup Screen. 11.00.0020 - (A) made change to speed program startup - (A) corrected width of card display on business card setup screen. 11.00.0019 - (A) increased height of Detail Screen and repositioned red help box - (R) changed support files to add new colors to mini satins - (A) put change in to prevent using MS Serif or MS Sans Serif in printed pedigrees, as they cannot be scaled properly 11.00.0018 - (A) Restored captions on litter data screen that disappeared in 11.00.0014. - (A) corrected error when attmepting to view short form litter data 11.00.0017 - (R,C Dlx) corrected 'subcript out of range' error when printing MBL - (R,C Dlx) resized the date entry screen when using TaskMaster 11.00.0016 - (A) Made changes to the litter data entry screen and litter display screen to correct errors in text display and graphics. 11.00.0014 - (Sugar Glider) first issue of program for this species - (R) added black & tan color to belgian hares 11.00.0013 - (A) changed detail screen to make second click remove a displayed calendar, so don't HAVE to enter a date if click on calendar - (A) disabled frmFileCard calendars except when in edit mode. - (A) made changes to date entry boxes on litter data entry screen, to allow use of calendar boxes 11.00.0012 - (A) corrected litter data table, which was showing incorrect information for date bred/date paired/date split. 11.00.0011 - (A) modified cage label printing to prevent an "orientation property cannot be set" error. 11.00.0010 - (A) modified Add Pedigree function to eliminate problem where cursor sometimes wouldn't show. - (A) added ability to auto-move animals to any of the 6 archive areas. - (R,C) put in notice to user when they enter more than 50 animals in a show. 11.00.0009 - (A) Initial public release of Version 11